Thursday, April 14, 2011

High Blood Pressure

Description: High blood pressure, also called hypertension (high blood pressure, hypertension)-silent-killer disease is very popular in America, for so many people seem to disregard it instead to understand that he is very sick dangerous.

Every 3 American adults have a person with the high blood pressure, but only about half of them are being treated and some are little more effective treatment.

Frightening statistics: Approximately 58 million Americans living with hypertension uncontrolled well, this increases the danger of the disease myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke (stroke), dementia (dementia), heart failure and kidney failure.

So why do not we try harder to control our blood pressure?
Although regular exercise and a diet low in fat and low sodium salt may help many of us to reduce blood pressure, but eventually most of the doctors are advised to take medication for treatment. In some cases, pharmacies are used to control blood pressure, but the drug can also have their limits.

Blood pressure medications have bad side is causing many side effects such as headaches and dizziness ??... and high blood pressure medications (especially new drugs) can be expensive. No surprise that studies show that only about 20 percent of patients over 65 are taking blood pressure prescription.

Note: Do not stop taking blood pressure medication or reduced the dosage without consulting your doctor.

The solution was overlooked: There are some natural solutions can reduce or even help you do not need blood pressure medication. Unfortunately most doctors are not trained on this treatment, and they often do not have enough time in the rush was present at the office to discuss the issue.

These methods do not take drugs to control blood pressure

1. Using high in potassium. The heart muscle and blood paths need minerals to maintain good blood pressure. We should use five times more potassium than sodium, but many of us have the habit of using 8 to 10 times more sodium than potassium.

If we increase the potassium has been advised of the 4.700 mg daily and sodium restriction is indicated for the 2.300 mg or less per day, according to research we can be 10 percent lower high blood pressure .

Tip: Avoid the food was processed (typically with salted) and food rations from 8 to 10 times (servings) of vegetables and fruits every day, this natural foods that are high in potassium and low sodium .

Good potassium sources: sweet potatoes, bananas, beans ticket, left the net melon (cantaloupe), orange juice, tomatoes (cooked or uncooked) and plum. Be careful: Never use more potassium unless your doctor appointment, as this can be dangerous if you are taking some medications or certain kidney diseases.

2. Additional types of seeds in your diet diet. According to a study by the Institute of Pennsylvania State University, men used 1.5 ounces of pistachios nuts (about 60 seeds) daily for 4 weeks, an average of 4.8 mm Hg fall in blood pressure measurements (figures number of rows above.)

What seems to interest arising from fat nutritious --- an ounce of nuts pistachios are less than 2 grams of bad fat and nearly 11g fat useful, these help lower blood pressure by reducing the swelling action vessels and strengthen the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, each day using the same amount of almonds and walnuts seeds also reduce high blood pressure.

Tip: Try to reach 30% of your calories from healthy fats (nuts unsalted? unsalted nuts-are a good source) and limit saturated fats (saturated fat) to 10% of total fat absorption.Eliminating all fat trans fat in your daily menu. Healthy fat sources: besides the type of beads, not to mention salmon (salmon), ground flaxseed (ground flaxseed), olive oil and canola oil.

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