Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Under this assumption, the earthquake was caused by nuclear testing underground in Japan's real cause, but the incident later in the Fukushima nuclear power plant-1 was staged to conceal the real cause the phenomenon of increased background radiation in Japan, which is hiding a nuclear test.
First, the blogger said it referred to a recent governor of Tokyo Shintaro Ishihara that nuclear weapons could be used against China . Speaking of the provincial governors immediately seemed odd because Japan is not in the nuclear club and always claimed not to own nuclear weapons. Is it just fine from Ishihara was false and he blurted out the real plot of the Japanese leadership?

In this article, the blogger also noted a huge eddy formed near the coast of Japan after the earthquake on 11.3. Whirlpool photos quickly appeared all over the world press and by the author, the eddy is mainly because the underground nuclear test under the soil. The problem is that, after the explosion, the sea floor suddenly collapsed causing the water as "being sucked into a underground bunker."
In addition, the author found it hard to believe that all power supply system of the Fukushima-1 plants were damaged , leading to release of radioactivity. Supposedly the official, the diesel generator was broken after 10 m high tsunami swept through the coast of Honshu and factory Fukushima-1. Could it be, full of Japanese people do not consider pragmatic factors nuclear power plants located in areas potentially affected by the tsunami so that the necessary measures for its protection, the Chinese blogger reviewers hands.

One interesting thing is that the U.S. aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan at the Fukushima nuclear power plant-1 100 km in a short time but have been exposed to radiation at 1 month , although the area to evacuate the area power is only 20-30 km integrity integrity. The author said that it happened because of radioactive leaks had occurred not in power but on the sea when a nuclear test. Finally, the article noted that Japanese officials are reluctant to share information on issues and not for the experts of Agency International Atomic Energy Agency and World Nuclear Association of Industry & WNA trouble.
However, all the "evidence" by Chinese bloggers hands yet, when examined, were not convinced.Specifically:

1. The eddy appears:
At the epicenter beneath the seabed, when the tectonic plates shift, creating a crack length of 380 km and 190 km wide. And sea water began to pour into the cracks of this, creating a huge whirlpool in the early hours of the disaster.
2. Outages at the Fukushima nuclear power plant-1:
The press has repeatedly said the issue of protection of nuclear power plant is only 4 meters high, can not stop all the 10 meter high tsunami strikes it. This is a serious mistake by the Japanese, but they were accused of deliberately doing this is so stupid.
3. Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier contaminated:
Radiation background near the plant in Fukushima-a certain point higher than 1,600 times the normal. At a distance of 20-50 km compared to nuclear power plants, background radiation is higher than the normal tens or hundreds of times so the level of radioactive contamination in a month is nothing unnatural, but instead is very small.
4. The Japanese authorities to hide the facts:
This is the most absurd thing in this article. Japanese Prime Minister has repeatedly informed of the situation in the country once every 20 minutes and as calculated by the reporter, he was nearly five days and nights without sleep. Near Fukushima-1 can not be closed and there were reporters present dozens of countries, including Russian television channel. The international experts also have been present in Japan and has long worked with the nuclear experts from Japan.
So, do not have any basis to say that events in Japan is a technical disaster and the testing of nuclear weapons by Japan or any country other causes. This is a disaster from which we should draw the appropriate conclusions, rather than making assumptions and theories are not perfect.